Portaal van Vlaanderen
Where are those large ships going?
The Portaal van Vlaanderen is a fun port information centre in the middle of the dynamic lock complex of Terneuzen. An interesting tour of the lock complex, a magnificent view from the radar tower, a cruise on the Ghent-Terneuzen Canal and (almost) touching sea vessels: you can experience it all at the Portaal van Vlaanderen!
Binnenvaartweg 9
4531 BS Terneuzen
The Netherlands
Visserijmuseum Breskens
Shark teeth and fishing
Visserijmuseum Breskens is located on the top floor of the fish mine, is wheelchair accessible via a lift and has various departments. The museum is run by about 40 enthusiastic volunteers and has a highly educational setup. In the museum’s film room offers a continuous showing of the film “Halen” about the heavy and dangerous life on board the modern cutters during sea fishing. The fishermen set sail day and night to catch fish, but they find more than just that! Their nets sometimes contain remnants of once sunken ships, fossil bones, shells and shark teeth; thanks to these fishermen, the Visserijmuseum was able to establish a beautiful collection over the years, which is displayed in the museum. Upon request, you can also witness the “mining” with the old mine clock in the film room, which once stood in the fish mine. Those who want to can bid on local products via that mine clock.
Kaai 1-103
4511 RC Breskens
The Netherlands
Ostrich farm
The bird with the longest neck
A household name in the region since 1997. What started as a hobby grew into an attraction that is now an integral part of the region. There is a lot to do and see. Obviously ostriches in all shapes and sizes. From the incubators to the eggs, from chicks to the large breeding birds, during the tour you will learn everything about this large flightless bird.
Hogeweg 1
Raptors in real life
Falconry has played a great role in history and has a rich cultural historical value, it is above all an ancient hunting method. It is hunting with a trained bird of prey on natural prey in the wild. Therefore, falconry is the most natural form of hunting guided by the falconer. Nowadays, in addition to hunting, birds of prey hunting is also practiced and in addition, we provide in the Valkeniershof all kinds of educational activities for young and old and we want everyone to get acquainted with our birds of prey and owls in a special way in a quiet environment.
Klakbaan 5
4515NE IJzendijke