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Portaal van Vlaanderen

Portaal van Vlaanderen


Portaal van Vlaanderen

Beneluxweg 101
4538 AL Terneuzen
Google rating:  

Where are all those large vessels going? Portaal van Vlaanderen (Portal of Flanders) is a pleasant harbour information centre, right in the middle of the dynamic Terneuzen locks complex. An interesting tour across the locks complex, a magnificent view from the radar tower, a cruise along the Gent-Terneuzen canal and (almost) touching seagoing vessels: this is all included in the Portaal van Vlaanderen experience!

Portaal van Vlaanderen
Portaal van Vlaanderen
  • 8.5


    Zeeland, Nieuwvliet

    • Laadpaal elektrische autoLaadpaal elektrische auto
    • Nabij strand / zeeNabij strand / zee
    • WifiWifi centraal
    • RestaurantRestaurant
    • Bar / eetcafĂ©Bar / eetcafĂ©
    • HurenHuren
    • CampingKamperen
    • Pets limited allowedPets limited allowed
    • SportveldSportveld
    • Openlucht zwembadOpenlucht zwembad
    • Indoor and outdoor playground
    • Atmospheric Italian restaurant
    • 950m from the beach
    • Unique beach houses on the beach
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